Warhammer 40,000 3.5 Tournament - Ticket

Warhammer 40,000 3.5 Tournament - Ticket

  • $30.00
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Continuing in the footsteps of 3rd-A-Palooza and Downfall, we would like to give folks another opportunity to get out there and enjoy some games of one of our favourite editions of Warhammer 40k, 3rd Edition… or in this case 3.5.
“3.5?” you might ask. It is 40K using the 3rd edition rules, FAQs’ and Chapter Approved (2004) Trial Vehicle and Assault rules. ALL the 3rd edition codex’s and sub-lists and there are a lot of them. We ask that vehicle design rules are not used at this event.

Event Details:
Date: November 9th 2024
The Gaming Verse
51 Queen St
Melbourne, VIC 3000
(03) 9600 0705
For more information please see the Facebook event, any queries will be covered on there.
Please be on time for this event. Registration for paid players opens at 10:00 AM on the 9th of November. Games will begin at 10:20 AM sharp. Please pay and submit your list prior to the first day of this event.
Army Lists:
As we are all basically learning/remembering how to play the game at the same time, we ask that players turn in their lists using Excel or a similar document at least a week prior to the event. While we would like players to experiment and take lists that they like, we would ask that players be mindful of their opponents and their enjoyment when submitting lists.
We would like to encourage people to experiment and play with lists that are fun to play with and to play against. This is NOT a win at all costs event. The TO’s reserves the right to ask players to resubmit army lists that are considered... perhaps "too hard" for the spirit of the event.
If you are unsure, please ask.
• All armies for this event should be no larger than 1500 points
• Forces may be made up using any of 3rd edition’s codexes and sub army lists
If you have any questions please ask.
ARMY LISTS ARE DUE (by midnight) on Novemer 2nd.
Please email them to: whatisabattle (at) gmail (dot) com
Given the purpose of the event, we will only have 4 trophies on offer.
Best General
Best Painted Army (as determined by players in the event)
Best Retro Army
Best Sports
Please remember that the purpose of this event is to come together as a community to learn the rules and have fun.
Prizes will be randomly drawn. Again, winning games will have no impact on prizes for this event

.: The Gaming Verse :.
"A whole world of gaming"
A Melbourne based store specialising in table-top games. We are here for all your gaming needs including tcgs, rpgs, miniatures and board games.
We have a free to use play-space and events all days of the week.

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