Judgement - Two Player Starter Box

Judgement - Two Player Starter Box

  • $140.00
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Judgement is a 2 player table-top miniatures game inspired by the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) computer game genre. In Judgement you play the role of a demigod that summons mortal heroes to the shadow plane of In-Between to capture Souls that fuel your immortal power. Each hero is represented on the table-top by a finely crafted 54mm scale resin miniature with incredible detail and dynamism.

Drawing on its MOBA inspiration, the Judgement game play includes the following features:

  • Heroes gain levels unlocking new spells/powers and gaining health
  • Magical Artefacts can be purchased and equipped by your heroes
  • Monster camps spawn neutral monsters that attack any heroes that they can get their hands on

These in-game mechanics allow players to tailor their tactics and strategy to cater for the ebb and flow of the battle 

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